Our investment success in 2015 set us up for a year of growth in 2016. This year 12 new projects began generating power, and our co-op produced over 5,000,000 kWh of clean, green energy for Ontario.

In 2016 we made the first dividend and bond payments to our investors, showing financial returns for their support of renewable energy. Members helped us officially open the system at Salus Marine Wear, and our community celebrated a sustainable future at MCC Ontario during Green Energy Doors Open.

To learn about our incredible year, and new projects and investment opportunities, please join me and our fellow members at our Annual General Meeting. This year we have the opportunity to tour our gorgeous raised system at MCC Ontario. I’m also thrilled to welcome Plug’n Drive, who will be on site for the afternoon, giving our members the chance to test drive electric vehicles.

I look forward to seeing you on May 30th.

Brian Unrau
President, Community Energy Development Co-operative

2017 Annual General Meeting and Barbeque

Tuesday, May 30th, 2017

Mennonite Central Committee Ontario
50 Kent Avenue, Kitchener, Ontario

2:00pm – Test drive electric vehicles with Plug’n Drive! Contact us to reserve your space
5:00pm – Roof-top tours of the CED Co-op solar installation at 50 Kent Avenue
5:30pm – FREE BBQ – bring a friend or prospective member
6:30pm – Annual General Meeting

Please RSVP by May 23rd, 2017

RSVP by email: info@cedco-op.com
RSVP by phone: 1-855-274-6890

Guests are always welcome. Invite your friends and other prospective members and investors to learn about investing in clean, green energy with Community Energy Development Co-operative.

The agenda and copies of the 2016 audited financial statements will be available at the meeting. If you wish to review them ahead of time you can find a copy online at cedco-op.com/AGM

2 Responses

  1. I would like to participate in the Ride ‘N Drive and the AGM. I am a relatively new member of the co-op.


    Steve Schafer
    905 857-3173

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