Build with us

Switch to green power with minimal or no capital investment.

We want to build with you.

Your organization can become a part of our solar network. With a rooftop array, or solar canopy installation in your parking lot, we can convert your under-utilized space into a solar power plant – with little to no capital expenditure for your organization.

Distributed across Ontario, our existing systems are already generating positive change. Your decision to go carbon free will make our world a little greener and promote local resilience – it’s a win-win for you and your community. Together, CED Co-op and our partners have benefited under both the previous feed-in-tariff (FIT), and the new net-metering model. As the regulatory landscape evolves, we continue to explore the best ways to make an impact. By partnering with CED Co-op, you support the ongoing transition to renewable energy. That’s good for everyone.

Let’s build a better future – together.

  • Solar power, with little to no capital expenditure
  • Go carbon free without increasing energy costs
  • Meet your ESG goals
  • Connect with clientele who value sustainability
  • Lock in your electricity rate for years to come

How does it work?

The most common arrangement is for CED Co-op to build a solar array at your facility. CED Co-op retains ownership of the physical system and enters into a Power Purchase Agreement to sell you the generated electricity. Initially the price of the power is competitive with the grid rate, but with a much slower inflation year-on-year than utility power. As the grid rate increases, the savings increase based on the lower PPA rate.

Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) are contracts for purchasing electricity from a third-party supplier, such as Community Energy Development Co-operative. They enable you to reap the benefits of renewable solar energy at your facility with little to no up-front installation costs. By partnering with CED Co-op to have a solar power array installed, you agree to purchase the green power generated on site at competitive rates. The power you use is conveniently billed as a line item on your existing utility bill.

To learn more, download our PPA Explainer, or read more below.


Sign the PPA

You contract to purchase power from CED Co-op. Initially this will be at the current grid rate. This rate will increase annually at a rate less than the projected increase for grid power. You have the option to renew every 5 years of the system lifetime.



You lease the space at your facility for CED Co-op to install our solar power system. CED Co-op assumes all costs for operations and maintenance. At the time of contract renewal you always have the option to buy the system from us, or continue with the PPA.



You continue to use power as you normally would. The difference is that your power is now renewable. Your bottom line savings realized by purchasing power from the Co-op are anticipated to continue to grow compared to forecast grid rate increases.



If the system generates more power than you consume, we export the surplus to the grid. If you use more power than the system produces, you simply purchase the difference from the utility at the grid rate. You are always connected to the grid for energy security.


Easy Billing

You continue to receive your normal utility bill. The power you purchase from the Co-op under the PPA is reflected as a line item on your invoice. Switching to renewable solar power has never been easier.
Contact us today.

Talk to us today.

Have questions? Want to learn more? Send us a message and we will respond promptly. We’d love to meet with you.